File is locked – how to unlock

Searching: server replied locked owncloud You can’t access files because they are locked and you find such errors in your logfile: {«reqId»:»0DijSqEkfOg2iyh9VD8J»,»remoteAddr»:»xx.xx.xx.xx»,»app»:»webdav»,»message»:»Exception: {\»Message\»:\»HTTP\\\/1.1 423 \\\»path\\\/file.extension\\\» is locked\»,\»Exception\»:\»OCA\\\\DAV\\\\Connector\\\\Sabre\\\\Exception\\\\FileLocked\»,\»Code\»:0,\»Trace\»:\»#0 If you’re running the ownCloud 8.2.x branch make sure that you’re using at least 8.2.2 (previous versions had a bug causing this issue).