Para permitir el acceso a SQL Server mediante la intranet realizar lo siguiente:
Entrar al grupo de programas Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 -> Herramientas de configuración -> Administrador de configuración de SQL Server y en la seccion de Configuracion de red de la instancia de SQL Server Habilitar el protocolo TCP/IP
Posteriormente proceder con las siguientes indicaciones para la configuración del Firewall de Windows
Open the Control Panel
- Click “System and Security” if you are in “Category” view mode.
- Click “Windows Firewall”. (The green text)
- Click “Advanced settings” along the left hand side.
- Click “Inbound Rules” along the left hand side.
- Click “New Rule…” to the right in the actions pane.
- Ensure “Program” is selected and click “Next >”
- Select “This program path:” radio button and click browse.
- You need to select the sqlservr.exe file which for my 2005 instance was located “C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBinn”
- Click “Open”
- Click “Next >”
- Click “Next >” again
- Click “Next >” again
- Give it a name of “Sql Server 2008 R2” or another appropriate name. I would suggest giving the service name maybe. I Called it this “Sql Server: Sql2005“
- Click “Finish”
You may need to also add the Sql Browser service so that any named instances can be found.
- Click “New Rule…” again in the actions pane.
- Select “Port” and click “Next >”
- Select “UDP”
- Select “Specific local ports” and enter the port number 1434
- Click “Next >”
- Click “Next >” again
- Click “Next >” again
- Enter a name like : “Sql Server Browser”